Dutch is the new gay

Omdat het leven te kort is om je bezig te houden met dingen die niet glitteren.


De trivia op IMDb is je beste vriend: Britney-bloemlezing

* Shows her midriff during performances

* Ended up as the youngest cast member of "MMC" (1989); during the initial audition, she won the part after Jessica Simpson freaked out at the final question.

* In Britney's first song 'Baby One More Time' there is a line "My loneliness is killing me" and in another of her songs, 'Stronger', there is a line "My loneliness ain't killing me no more."

* Is a huge fan of Björk.

* Her name is an anagram of "Presbyterians".

* In her "Baby One More Time" music video, her love interest is played by her cousin.