Dutch is the new gay

Omdat het leven te kort is om je bezig te houden met dingen die niet glitteren.


De mooiste nieuwsbrief uit de lange, rijke geschiedenis van de pornografische electro

Ik ontving vannacht deze e-mail van Avenue D, de Amerikaanse prinsessen van de assflaunt, en ik ben trots op ze.

From: Avenue D Mailing List
To: Marten
Date: Jun 7, 2006 12:17 AM
Subject: Free Avenue D!

Dear Friends,

A few weeks ago we were violently assaulted by some bouncers at our OWN SHOW at the Key Club in Los Angeles... WE called the police, but when they came, the venue had them arrest US. This was after we rocked their stupid club which was completely packed that night.

I am emailing because we are making a little collection of all the pictures from that night, so if you were there and saw all the shit go down, or if you have pics/video please email me and send them ASAP.

Neither the venue nor the promoter, Joseph Brooks, has taken any responsibility or even attempted to contact us.

Please Help!
Big kisses,
Debbie and Daphne D.